Monday, July 19, 2010

Finally Fifty

So, today I turned 50. I didn’t realize that people brought stuff to the party a few nights ago. My family conspired to keep all the cards and gifts from me until my actual birthday. So, this evening I was swamped with gifts.
Given the sheer volume of wine I received, people must think that I need help easing into my new demographic category; or, as my daughter put it, “that’s just the civilized adult gift.”
I also received several books, as well as lots of gift cards to download books to my Kindle. I guess my affection for my e-reader is widely known. Given the amount of reading material now available to me, I suppose my friends believe I am about to lapse into a sedentary lifestyle. This thing is, that may actually happen.
The gifts indicate that people know me well, because there was also a generous array of restaurant gift cards. I’ll be eating, drinking and reading well into winter. They are the gifts that keep on giving.
In the wake of the lively festivities which ushered in my birthday weekend, we were ready to scale things down a bit; so, just the wife and the kids went with me to one of our fanciest restaurants for a special birthday dinner.
People showed up, brought cards and gifts and gave generously of their time. It’s been a fabulous birthday event. It’s great to have friends. Thanks, everybody.

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