Thursday, January 26, 2012

What a Blowhard!

(Nakalele Point, HI) – It started off as benign idea, something like “Hey, let’s drive up there to see the blowhole.” As so many have discovered on Maui, the destination isn’t always as significant as the journey. When I woke up, I didn’t imagine we’d be standing on the edge of a cliff looking out at this.

To get to this vantage point, we had to pass by this ominous warning.

Being the noted adventurists we are, there we stood on the edge of nowhere.

You had to be going somewhere, though, and we were determined to find that blowhole, more dire warnings be damned.

Nakalele Blowhole is the result of the ocean wearing away the shore below the lava shelf. With each wave, water is forced through a hole in the lava shelf resulting in the "eruption" of water similar to a geyser. You have to get a photo or two of that, don’t you?

The hike down to the blowhole requires a little exertion. Claire, inappropriately attired in a skirt and sandals, went about as far as she dared.

That’s her, the tiny blue speck sitting under a rock.

Despite a steep climb and the specter of mortal danger, We emerged from the blowhole a little sore,but safe and sound, smiling.

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