Wednesday, October 13, 2010

(Uncertain, TX) - You never know where life will lead you. I found myself on a steam boat in a swamp!

The boat is called the Graceful Ghost and its affable captain/ raconteur guides it around Caddo Lake in East Texas for the entertainment and education of the masses.

He will tell you that his craft is the only wood-fueled, steam-driven paddlewheel guided boat left in the world. Since I have no way of verifying that, I will take his word for it.

The Ghost glides along at a brisk two and a half miles per hour, which offers ample opportunities for passengers to admire the natural beauty of the great Texas lake. The cypress trees are centuries old and there’s abundant waterfowl to be seen.
The round-trip dive to the spot where the boat is moored took longer than the tour itself, but I would say it was worth it. It was a graceful way to spend an autumn afternoon.

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