Sunday, May 09, 2010

The Best Kind of Mothers' Day

For the first time in a couple of decades, I did not make this joke as Mothers' Day approached: "Hey, baby. Mothers' day is this week. You want to go to Western Sizzlin'?" Somehow, we've always found it funny that the cheap steak/ buffet places are packed on That Special Sunday. If that's the best you can do for Mom, it's time to polish the imagination a little.
My wife actually cooked, because she was hosting her own mom for lunch. For the first time in recent memory, both of our offspring actually showed up at the same time. They spent the entire afternoon with their mom, just hanging around like they used to when they were younger. The TV never came on. Our son, who lives on his own and hasn't visited us for weeks, caught everyone up on his activities.
There's really not much to report, except that mom was extremely happy to have everyone together, even for a little while. I asked her if she was having a good mothers' day. She said "Awesome."
Who needs cheap steak?

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