Saturday, April 04, 2009

Portait of My Father

My father, soon to be 83 years old, has been nagging me for three years about one of my gates. It was sagging and dragging. He kept saying he would come fix it. Finally, the day came. We had a full slate of outdoor projects: build a planter, repair the fence, fix the gate. He showed up with tools and materials. We were making nice progress until we had to take a break to visit the home improvement store for a few things. I made the run, came back and found this.It was a spectacular day, no question about it....perfect for a nap, as it turns out.
I kept on about my business, literally doing the heavy lifting. He stayed the whole day, ate two meals, had a siesta and even drove a nail or two.
The good news is that we accomplished everything we set out to do and more. The better news is that at almost 83, he can still supervise a project and even pitch in between naps and meals if he needs to.

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