Wednesday, April 01, 2009

The Miracle of Modern Communications

It took less than twelve hours for us to find a new housekeeper. We can thank Daddy D's Storytime, Twitter and Facebook for the speedy resolution.
Anytime there's a new blog post, it becomes a Tweet on Twitter. This, in turn, becomes a Facebook status update. First thing this morning, I got a text message from a friend who had read about our recalcitrant cleaning lady on one of the webpages. His person, with whom he is very pleased, had lost a client yesterday. We called her immediately. By happy coincidence, she is working two days a week in a neighborhood less than a half-mile away. We struck a deal and she starts next week.
She was down one client for less than a day and we were down a housekeeper less than a day. It all worked out. Even-Steven.
Love to hear the robin go tweet, tweet, tweet.

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