Sunday, June 28, 2009

Back on the TeeVee

One could say that since I walked away from my duties as a sports anchor in 2003, my occasional broadcasting assignments have offered an opportunity for more versatility.
So, add another line on the "independent broadcast professional" resume: Talk show host. There's the proof right there. The super says "host." It's probably much more accurate to say I'm a guest contributor. On the other hand, I did host an entire segment and will continue to do so, so there you have it.
This show, "Wonderful day Ark-La-Tex," airs twice a week on the local FOX station. This means that my mug has now appeared in some official capacity on five stations in this market, plus a little cable outfit or two. I have been paid, so the title "broadcast professional" is most assuredly accurate.
This particular segment involves pet health, and while the veterinarian I interviewed is the expert, I claim credibility as an interviewer on the topic.
It has been flattering to be included in the project. It's fun and easy to do. I record my segments in one evening and sit back to wait for them to air. This must be what it's like to be a game show host. I like the concept of the celebrate positive things that are happening in our community. The producers have cobbled together a line-up of hosts from local radio and the newspaper, plus a couple of former full-time broadcasters. It would be wonderful indeed if we can keep it up.

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