Today, a non-sports fan heard my greeting and asked, "what would you do if there was no football?" I said, 'I suppose we would talk about the symphony."
He asked, "What if there was no symphony?"
I said, "I suppose I would get a stick and a ring from the outside of a whiskey barrel and roll it down a dirt road while running alongside it barefoot."
What's the point? He said "See, you CAN find something to do without football."
I said, "Yes, but there IS football, and that's what's important in reality."
I'm avoiding that guy from now on.
Just so you know, I do the hoop and stick game at least once a week up here... no kidding
That's what you do in Minnesota when there's no hockey, because football here is a joke...
I don't like it when people ask that question because football is the only thing I have to look forward to for myself other than my kids. I don't believe there is anything wrong with it and for me football is here once training camp starts.
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