She's earning trooper points in this show because she has two small roles, sings in two big group numbers and has no lines. She does get to wear a fun costume and play for laughs near the end of the show.
One of her closest friends plays the lead role of Maria and she does a beautiful job. My daughter has no delusions of stardom. She does hope to ascend to meatier roles as she becomes an upperclassman.
After two weekends at Marjorie Lyons Playhouse, Maria will outpester any pest or drive a hornet from its nest on another stage. Hopefully my daughter will get some well deserved rest.
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But what of the Dervishes? What will Maria do with those?
(I am a huge fan of The Sound of Music)
She will throw them out of whirl, of course. But then, you know that...becasue in Istanbul you saw actual whirling dervishes.
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